Key aspects


  • Mix of 40 quality zero carbon ready homes from one-bed to four-bed properties for local people
  • Delivers on Newton Abbot’s Neighbourhood Development Plan, Abbotskerswell’s Neighbourhood Plan and Teignbridge’s Local Plan
  • A no-gas site that delivers on a requirement for a 10% carbon reduction above Part L of building regulations
  • A high-quality design retains and enhances significant ecological interests
  • Biodiversity Protection Zones and retention of dark corridors
  • Retention and maintenance of important wildlife corridors
  • A number of shared electric vehicle charging points in community areas
  • Carbon Reduction Plan to support Teignbridge’s climate emergency declaration
  • Site will be accessed off a new junction at Kingskerswell Road
  • Lower density proposed in the southern edge of the site

Local Homes

Persimmon Homes South West is pledging that a majority of new homes at Langford Bridge will be reserved for people in the local area.

The housebuilder’s ‘local homes guarantee’ will see the majority of new homes at Langford Bridge ringfenced for eight weeks for local people to reserve during the launch months of the first phase of development.

The proposed site is allocated in the local plan and would help meet Teignbridge District Council’s five-year housing land supply while addressing local housing needs, with 1,033 local people currently waiting on the authority’s housing list.

As part of Persimmon’s broader contribution to the local community, the builder will also transfer eight quality new homes to a social housing provider for affordable rent and shared ownership for local people.

Community Benefits

  • Policy-compliant transfer of eight homes to a local social/affordable housing provider
  • Investment in public green open space, sustainable drainage and transport infrastructure
  • New bus route and funding
  • Creation of jobs during construction and through the supply chain
  • New access junction and delivers part of new link road
  • Extra funds for Newton Abbot to support local services


We’re proud of our record in supporting local first-time buyers, families and young people to buy their own home. Our average selling price is c30% below the UK national average, while around 50% of our private sales have been to first-time buyers over the last two years. The proposed scheme’s housing mix will vary in size, style, type and tenure. All homes meet both national accessibility and space standards.

Ecology, Environment, and Placemaking

Throughout the planning process we have worked closely with officers and stakeholders at Teignbridge District Council. The local environment, wildlife and nature is at the heart of our scheme, which includes biodiversity protection zones.

A high-quality design retains and enhances significant ecological interests, and invests in sustainable drainage and transport infrastructure. The proposal includes public open space to allow residents to roam freely, guarantees the retention and maintenance of important wildlife corridors, and delivers significant biodiversity enhancements.

Bird boxes will be installed and bat roosts will be provided adjacent to the site. We will ensure any work on hedgerows is undertaken outside bird nesting season, and replanting will be conducted with native species.

Sustainability and Transport

Langford Bridge will be a no-gas site and the residential development will deliver a 10 per cent carbon reduction above Part L of the Building Regulations. The zero carbon ready homes will be powered by groundsource heat pumps and will be equipped with and electric vehicle charging points.

To support Teignbridge’s declaration of a climate emergency, a Carbon Reduction Plan has also been submitted with the application. Secure cycle storage, electric vehicle charging points, and high quality materials will further enhance sustainability of the site.

This site has previously been granted outline planning permission in July 2020 as part of a multi-phase development providing of a mix of quality new apartments and houses, a local centre and infrastructure enhancements.

As part of the scheme, a new bus route will be in place to serve the development and a financial contribution will be made to assist in setting up the additional bus service.


This development would importantly help meet Teignbridge District Council’s five-year housing land supply, with an appropriate combination of properties which will contribute to a balanced housing market and address the needs of the local area.

The scheme includes affordable housing provision, public open space, community infrastructure and delivers on the objectives of the Newton Abbot Neighbourhood Development Plan, Abbotskerswell Neighbourhood Plan and Teignbridge District Council’s Local Plan.

As part of our wider contribution to the local community, we will transfer eight quality new homes to a social housing provider for the purposes of affordable rent and shared ownership for local people.

Additional expenditure within Newton Abbot will also be provided to support local services and maintain the vitality of the town. Given our longstanding presence across Newton Abbot, we have supported a number of good causes and local organisations through our longstanding Community Champions initiatives. Recent recipients include Newton Abbot College, Buckland Athletic FC and Newton Abbot Museum.


We have dedicated time and resources to engaging with local stakeholders from local businesses, councillors, Parish Councils and residents.